Just came in from working with Balthazar at liberty in the paddock. Have been unable to work with him consistently because of rain and slop. Have a window of a few days before we get another onslaught of forecasted heavy rain. He mugged a little today but gave it up sooner, knowing despite the temptation of having the carrots RIGHT THERE, that he doesn't get any until he is away from me. Tried getting him to circle and he was but distracted too by the horses in the front paddock. Then, because I have trouble getting into a playful mood myself, I mixed it up with some turns on the hindquarter and backing. I want to reinforce him often for any attempt made, to get *me* out of 'this is work and we have to do well' mode. It was better at the end when we did a little of this and a little of that. I am happy because when I finished grooming him and let him go he galloped over to the fence where the horses were congregated. I stood in the middle of the paddock and called him. He took a few steps toward me. I took a few steps toward him. He took a few more. I took a few more. When he moved, I moved. When he stopped, I stopped. We met in the middle, I c/t'd him and then he followed me back away from the others and we began.
He only wants to circle clockwise and getting him to change direction and continue in that direction is something we'll need to work on but for now just to have him circle me is good. I suppose the more I work with him the more he'll realise it's a Good Thing and will be eager to have a go, perhaps to the point that he isn't so keen to be with the other horses. Granted, after he joined me, although he looked toward them he didn't leave me to go to them. I realise I need as much if not more work than Balthazar does. For instance, clucking. I clucked to get him to move and kept clucking, which he would naturally tune out. I would. So cluck once, c/t for a response or shut up and try again later.
Haven't ordered the trail rider boots yet. Was going to today until I saw on their website that I can only order online if I use PayPal which I don't use anymore. Will call them next week and order them, plus two pads to go on the front feet. I have to ride him sooner or later. Don't know when I became such a chicken but know that I'm procrastinating big time about riding him, despite cleaning the tack room and moving saddles, etc. back in it.