The world sure is a funny event. Trump is so outlandish (punish women who have had abortions! Even the Pro-Lifers take offense) that there is nothing for it but to laugh. Genuinely laugh. The absurdity that is Trump is funny, especially as he takes himself so seriously. While he takes himself so seriously he doesn't take the electorate seriously at all, except for its use as a vehicle with which to make his fondest dream come true. President Donald Trump. The Donald with The Hair in the White House. I feel a guffaw coming on.
I believe Trump is disdainful of 'the people', that he thinks they are stupid precisely because they fall for his schtick. And that's funny. Really funny. How it will play out is anyone's guess but I can guarantee it will be hilarious. For all the wrong reasons.
And then, thank God! there are the Panama Papers. Here is a divine opportunity to take corruption seriously, to shine a light on it and to do something about it. All those hard-working investigative journalists who have been dredging through thousands of documents, following leads, deciphering what is supposed to be indecipherable. We owe them the debt of doing something about those who never seem to have enough money so must corruptly go about their business of hiding it and making more of it while leaving a trail of chaos and instability, poverty and impoverishment in their wake.