4.9.10. Interesting night. Falling asleep I was aware of falling down/through/toward something. It is difficult to describe for I kept my *conscious* awareness at the same time as I was *falling* asleep. Yet there was the definite knowing that was aware of passing through/down/toward levels of consciousness that was connected to, at the same time as separate from, everyday consciousness. It was quite exciting.
Next day. Raining, raining, raining. Matisse, the Siamese and Radar, the whippet both have ringworm. My case has just cleared up. Not sure whether Natalia brought it into the house or I picked up from work and brought it home. Richard has it too. Not a big deal but annoying. Trying to treat Matisse is like trying to saddle an angry wasp. He's got two spots, one on each ear. I have to shut him in the bathroom with me and then scruff him to get it on.
We have two sick galahs hanging around. I wish we had some invention that could catch them from trees and telephone wires without harm. There is another galah with what I suspect is a broken pelvis. It looks all right otherwise and still seems to be in good condition. It can only move with difficulty and instead of standing on its legs it props on its keel. The other two are not in good condition.. There is one sitting on the wires in the rain, eyes closed, head drooping. By the time we are able to catch them they are usually too far gone to save.
The most bizarre galah death we ever witnessed took place in the big silky oak growing out of the old veggie garden. There was a galah near the top who caught our interest by its strange behaviour, flapping and jerking, and vocalizations. Suddenly it gave the most hair raising scream and fell from the tree. It didn't flutter on the way down. I think it was already dead. There wasn't a mark on it and it was in good condition.
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