New computer. Have spent hours setting it up. It works fine but using Microsoft 7 is like treading in an alien landscape. Have just downloaded Mozilla/Firefox and feel at home again. Unfortunately I couldn't use my old keyboard. The fitting in back doesn't fit into this CPU. Have to remember that my old computer was six years old which is positively ancient. It was on its last legs methinks as everything was taking a long time to load or even to switch between windows. This new monitor is huge - and the stuff doesn't begin to fill up the empty space. Must get off temporarily and start doing the livestock rounds. Everyone's been a bit ignored by me today as I fiddled with the new bit of technology.
Had a dog shot with an arrow come in yesterday afternoon. Barely missed his spine. M said he could feel it grating along the ridges as he pulled it out. Installed a penrose drain, flushed like crazy, gave heaps of a/bs and are hoping for the best. The owner said he thought he knew who might have done it but as he has no proof, and our fingerprints are all over it, the perpetrator will go unpunished.
Well, best go and do some work rather than leave R to do it all by himself.
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