Natalia sitting on the desk atop a spiral notebook (cats have to sit on something, even if it's a postage stamp, for their bottom requires something between it and just plain floor or just plain desk top or just plain carpet. It's a bit ceremonial, like a comic hobo who ostentatiously dusts off his park bench with a dirty handkerchief). Now she's moved to watch the Wild Bird show through the window. Life is one delight after another. There is the captive 24 hour a day entertainment of the Verandah Birds Floor Show which she can watch from either the top of the television cabinet or from the bedroom, or the ever changing unscripted ad lib show of the Wild Birds from every window in the house. Because we have so many trees and a bird feeder and native birds in aviaries we are at the center of a whirling maelstrom of feathers.
In this photo Natalia has opted for the soft grandstand seat from which she can watch the computer screen and the windows.
When we sit outside in the morning and have our coffee we are entertained as much as the cats, although I suspect our motives for watching differ. I've discovered that galahs and Little Honeyeaters play tag with the galah always being 'It'. I've watched galahs shooting past Little Honeyeaters until they give chase. Acting like a galah, an Australian phrase of derision, actually means one hasn't lost he capacity of play. A grown galah, strutting with comic dignity beneath the torrelianas, will suddenly throw itself on its back screaming with delight and kicking its legs in the air. If one does it, it doesn't take long before every galah in the vicinity is also upside down.
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