Well the Meezer's sick. Came up with a paralysis tick, despite being an indoor cat. Probably got it off Mikaela as she's on Nexgard. They hitch rides on her but don't imbed. I've picked up 3 so far this season from giving her hugs -- too irresistable not to. Anyway, Matisse likes sleeping in her chair in the afternoon, the chair Mikaela sleeps in overnight. So lots of time to fasten itself to his neck.
Treated at the vet. Tick serum is derived from the blood of tick resistant dogs (building up resistance slowly and consistently). Some cats have a bad reaction. Matisse did not. What he had a reaction to is the spot on they applied just before he came home. 36 hours of thick ropy saliva - a more miserable cat would be hard to find. While he's finally stopped drooling he doesn't want to eat. I've been syringe feeding (force) since Thursday. The weight has melted from him. Thought his appetite would've kicked in by now. Cats who don't eat for more than 3 days lose the desire to eat and must be 'kick started' to regain their appetite. Not in Matisse's case. Going to ring the vets tomorrow for suggestions. Still have one dose (from Nairobi) of mirtazapine left.
He's 15, close to 16. He's not bouncing back. Worried.