Fludrocortisone acet. That's the drug prescribed to lift Richard's blood pressure. He says he already feels more energetic. Was supposed to take his BP 3xdaily from Wednesday arvo but had no batteries and then forgot to get batteries. Got them today; first BP, systolic 107. Not perfect but was taken after lunch. Will take again later, sitting and standing.
Horses got their second Hendra vaccination today. Didn't tell the 'landlord' I was coming. Suspicions confirmed. Four piles of hay. He has no hay of his own. Balthazar wasn't separated out and so was hunted away from his food by the landlord's horse - explains perfectly why Balthazar looks so seedy and why I'm payging for 4 bales of hay a week. If there was grass in the paddocks it wouldn't matter so much but the paddocks are mostly weed.
Landlord came home while I was there. I didn't say anything. While I have 2 vulnerable horses there, I won't say anything. It's his karma. And, to be honest, you get what you pay for. He didn't charge much so I didn't get much. $140 a week in hay that helped to keep his horse rolling fat doesn't sit well however.
Will like having them 5 minutes up the road. Nice little outing in the afternoon, perhaps with Richard and Mikaela while this lockdown is on. They can wait in the truck or plod down the driveway while I get the horses up and feed them. Plus we can drive around the corner and take a lovely walk over the river.
Moving them next week. Can't wait. I am feeling quite guilty I let it get to this point. Sure I can blame the landlord for not doing what he said he'd do (and what I pay him for) but the ultimate responsibility is mine.
Feeling much better now. Weepy and weak this mornig. Realize I have a problem with letting go of things. I cling to things which mean nothing but which hurt my 'pride'. I paid $500 to a solicitor because the doctor said I should seek power of attorney and enduring guardianship. Richard had to sign a form giving the doctor, the same doctor, permission to divulge Richard's medical history to the solicitor....which he decided he couldn't do because Richard was too far gone to make a decision. It still rankles. We can't really afford $500 but we've had to. Better now, but jeez, I obsessed about it. Then stepping outside myself I realize I obsess about things a lot. If someone disagrees with me or I've been proven to be wrong, outwardly I'm gracious and smiling and fine, inside I chew it over again and again and again.
So a wonderful newly discovered aspect of myself to be aware of. Only got over the doctor/solicitor thing by deliberately and repeatedly choosing to think of something else. So it is possible.
Sweetie, we can't know what we don't know until we come into the knowledge of it. You got the horses into a better situation as soon as you could. You couldln't know how quickly R would deteriorate. You couldn't know what you'd be facing. You're handling it far better than other people might. Be kind to yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh I am kind to myself, believe me. The horse situation has been ongoing. I'd talk to the landlord, diplomatically suggest Balthazar needed more hay. Sometimes it worked and Balthazar would put on weight again. What I'm kicking myself for is pretending it was okay and would right itself with time. This area of NSW, while the prettiest place in the country, green and lush and gorgeous, is not good horse country. With the boys being elderly, (22 and 25), they need all the help they can get. Anyway, it's all good. Plans are in place and because something is actually happening, I am ...more or less content with myself again. Like I said, in the post,I was at a weepy low ebb yesterday. Today my usual cocky strong self again -- but thank you for the sweet words of encouragement - a digital hug. Hxx