Helen came to visit yesterday which was a real joy - to Richard and to me. Didn't know patients are allowed only one visitor a day. Due to Helen's charm (and normal temperature!) we visited him together. Took him outside in a wheelchair, sat him in the sun. Colour good again. More with it although I fear the whispery voice is a permanent fixture. No pain evident. He will be in good shape to be moved this week - physically at least.
Helen didn't warn she was coming so it was fortuitous I was there at the same time. B Movie comedy in taking different elevators at same time to find one another. Twice. Helen's a tonic.
On the other hand, my poor country is going up in flames fueled by the ego of a crazed orange man wearing a red hat. Nothing would please him more than a civil war. People continue to die from a virus probably let loose in a 'wet' market in China, the earth struggles to breathe as we wipe out forests but rather than pull out all the stops on a planetary emergency he flattens the curve on his golf score.
There is nothing saintly about me. I get angry. I'm impatient. I take short cuts. I think unkind thoughts. I can be petty and mean. In short I'm human but even with my weaknesses and faults, I think if I were in a position of power as Trump is I would aim to rise above my shortcomings and endeavour to lead the country (and by example the world) out of the mess it's in. Wouldn't having that much power inspire one to do better? Be better?
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