Are we all our own worst enemy? My ungoverned and ungovernable mind creates misery where there is none. The mind weevil of the day, sometimes the moment, burrows and chews and itches. My 'reality; might be walking down a beautiful road with the last light silhouetting Mt. Warning while a boa of cloud trails off the peak. But my perceived reality is the Worry of the Moment.
So I'd glanced at the Miracle of the Moment (and we are continually surrounded by miracles) yet cast it aside to dwell on what might happen, what had happened or what I might do or say during the possibly might could be perhaps future.
And then, when I'd left the Miracle and had turned for home, through a tunnel of overarching camphors with the wild dark ravine on one side, I'd realized what I'd lost. I could have stopped. I could have savoured the beauty. I could have rested my weary soul on the sun scored flanks of the mountain. Instead I returned to that small cramped room of worry.
I felt like I'd slapped away the hand of God.
Although I do not meditate it doesn't prevent me from making a concerted effort to train my mind. I can choose, with practice, what to think. And what not to.
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