Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The US is a foreign country.  I read what's happening there and it's as if I'm reading about some two bit tin pot wannabe .  America democracy is in danger.  An example, a flawed example certainly, but an example to the world of what freedom can look like. 

My sister lives on a dirt road across from a river.  She and her husband have witnessed trucks, confederate flags flying, raciing up the road.  They have a small cache of arms to protect themselves and their cats.  They have their food delivered.  They go out rarely.  Both in their 60s. 

How did this happen?  Why did DT get past the 'pussy grabbing' video.  How was he taken seriously after he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it?  Why didn't the country wake up when he refused to turn over his tax returns.  Where were the women protesting when their sisters said they'd been sexually harrassed?  Why didn't they believe Stormy Daniels when she said she'd had an affair.  Why isn't the Silent Majority vocal about the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence?  Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc??

Why do they not rise up against a traitor who fawns over foreign dictators and treats our allies like so much dog mess under his shoe?

Interesting to go to the Wikipedia page listing DT's pardons and commutation of sentences.  Lots of buddies or buddies of buddies there. 

If it is true a country gets the government is deserves than the USA has a lot of bad karma.

Can only pray it is a temporary bout of insanity - in which the price is paid in human lives because DT isn't interested in the virus - and Biden is elected in November and Trump leaves without a shot being fired.

I've always been an optimist.

1 comment:

  1. Sociopaths are hard to displace and he has surrounded himself with people whose only allegiance is to money and him. I fear for our country.
