Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead. Republicans and Democrats are quaking in their boots. Democrats because they fear Trump and Mitch McConnell will nominate some ultra conservative to the the supreme court. Republicans because they will be caught out in their lying hypocrisy if they do. Four years ago when Obama wanted to nominate a moderate they cried foul, that it wouldn't do until the people had spoken and elected a president. That the Republicans would remember and care about honour and truth at this stage would be as surprising as Trump going through a whole day without tweeting.
But one lives in hope.
One thing her death has done is to galvanize people to action. I read contributions to the democratic campaign were through the roof. There is so much bad news coming from the US, one forgets the 'new' silent majority who continue to push back against the erosion of .... plain decency.
Have been 'running' (more like an energetic shuffle) for a few days now. Because the osteopath has been working on one hip, and then the other 'good' hip, asked him what he thought about running. Haven't run for years although I would occasionally have a go while still on Dry Gully Road. No matter how slowly I started, how much time I gave it, there'd come a point where the pain in my hips kept me awake at night so would have to give it away again.
This time I've invested far too much money in a of decent pair of running shoes, am taking it very slow (again) and am hoping for the best. At 64, it's a bit harder to get going then it was before. Quit smoking 8 years ago, thought my lungs were pretty good, but running illustrates the limitations of elasticity. And there is a limit. Running will help the stretch - if I can keep it up. I did so love running!
Work progresses on the drawing of Natalia. Another thing going slowly. Still haven't 'got' her. Don't know what it is...she had an impishness, a sense of fun, like a peppery seasoning, in all that love. But will keep plugging away. This is my third attempt at drawing her.
Went to Mavis' Kitchen, had lunch with the Writers Group, met the literary (Meg's) agent and came away thinking well, just get on with it. When it's finished, at least the second draft, then see if it's worth sending out. Putting the cart before the horse to try now. Am 64,000 words in and have no idea how long it will be in the end. Wouldn't it be better to take the pressure off and have a finished book rather than find someone is interested and then try and complete the manuscript with that knowledge hovering about? It'd be like trying to draw with someone looking over my shoulder. I think most writers need the absolute privacy and freedom of solitude to create.
One excellent thing. A week or so ago I contacted the RSPCA about a neglected Arab in a paddock. Should've contacted them years ago actually but....didn't. Bad lazy me. Anyway, saw the horse again a few weeks ago, vowed I'd tell the RSPCA and then forgot about it. Finally remembered and did the right thing. Got a call from an inspector checking details. Well, I thought if he called about the owner than he agreed the horse needed care. So was very pleased to see the horse with hay and a bucket of hard feed the other day. Yay! It takes so little to be the voice for those that don't have one.
Good for you! I’m happy for the horse. Be careful with the running, intersperse lots of walking. With my knees being what they are, I’m reduced to walking with the aid of a rollator walker or crutches (both knees give out—so far not at the same time) while I await knee replacement which scares the crap out of me! It appears it may be my only hope for restoring mobility. So be’s a beautiful thing to run...but it’s. More beautiful to just be able to walk unassisted 😘