While researching Bigfoot/Sasquatch for my novel (not the main focus but a part of the mysterious occurrences in the country town of White Cedar) I was led to You Tube videos of crop circles (something I have been interested in and have found simply stupefying) and UFO footage. Naturally some of the UFO footage is CGI (and very well done too. Full kudos to the creators), other footage is questionable, is it real or created? Ditto the crop circles.
Crop circles. The very phenonemon is strange. Why would other world beings choose to communicate in such a strange way; making images in fields of grain? Surely, with their technological advantages (if they can get to earth they are obviously technologically advanced) why not communicate directly into the Internet or make huge Sky signs or write on the moon or have a world wide vocal communication, similar to the loudspeakers at a footy match. Crop circles seem such an unwieldy way to communicate. But. And it's a big But. The circles are far too complex now to be the product of an overnight effort by uni student pranksters. Yes, I'm aware there are people out there who say they can duplicate crop circles. Perhaps they can, the more simplistic of the designs. But can they duplicate the very intricate, detailed and large crop circles which are a factor of the crop circle phenonemon in 10 or 12 hours of darkness? I doubt it. Then again, if we suddenly had a global communication via ET loudspeaker or simultaneous TV coverage, there would most likely be mass hysteria or, in this era of complete cynicism, mass yawning. Perhaps crop circle communication is the cleverest way to introduce us to the idea
that there is something out there besides ourselves.
Another interesting factor is the complete silence of mainstream media regarding crop circles, UFOs, ghosts, telepathy, ESP, Cryptozoology, the list goes on. We're given pablum, the powers that be obviously deciding that either a) we're too immature and excitable to cope with the truth, or b) we're best left in the dark in case we start demanding that our leaders behave in a responsible manner, ie stop making war on each other, ensure everyone has enough to eat and a roof over their head and most importantly, ensure that the earth will be viable as a living planet.
It's not so much to ask, is it? In my own tiny corner of the world, with the environment being on the six o'clock news night after night after night, the local council still chooses to rape and pillage the environment. It is unbelievable. Is there someone out there with balls enough to stand and say STOP? Stop with the focus on money and profits? Stop with the aggrandizement of power and prestige, stop with the BS? I'm waiting.
I have no children of my own yet I am appalled that people that do have children and grandchildren make such godawful decisions. Maybe we need a shake-up of an extra terrestrial intelligence, a stern ET to make us grow up, play politely with our toys, to share our toys, and clean up our play space afterwards.
I keep wondering who raised these people making these awful decisions and why, when they are so greatly outnumbered, do they still remain in control? There surely must be enough food to feed everyone, we just need to work together to provide equally for everyone, why is that not being done? I don't understand the greed and avarice that makes one person say "I deserve more than that person", why don't we all just stand united and say "no more inequality"?
ReplyDeletethank goodness for the Panama Papers and Bernie Sanders among other things. Maybe the tide is changing!