Cornelius, the little yellow budgie, is dying before my eyes and there's nothing I can do.
He has no discharge, no swelling, his poos until yesterday, were normal. I saw him yawning and stretching his neck and assumed he had trichomonas so started treating with Flagyl. But I've been treating him for 3 days and there is no improvement. One day there were some smears on the mirror in his cage but he's never had the telltale slimy vomitus on his head or chest. So perhaps I made the wrong diagnosis (obviously!) so began treating for coccidiosis yesterday afternoon. He hasn't eaten for days nor have I see him drink. He's weak and getting weaker. Today I started inserting a crop needle and giving him a little water. He goes to the seed dish but doesn't eat anything. I don't know whether I should just wrap him in a tea towel and take the shovel to him or give him another day to see if there's any improvement. Lay awake most of last night trying to figure out what's wrong with him. It's Boxing Day and K will be away celebrating and I know from working at the vets that unless it's a bird vet most vets know stuff all about birds. If there was some sign...I've been reading my Avian medicine book. Thought maybe there was a blockage but the crop needle goes in fine. Gout? Until today he has had no respiratory distress - even now I think he's breathing tough because he's on his way out. A few minutes ago, for the first time, he was on the bottom of the cage. God I wish I could help him. He's only a couple of years old. He was the bird that was found with a broken wing on the side of the road. MCC taped the wing and although he can fly because he's bright yellow there's no way he can be released so he's lived, quite happily I think, on the verandah with Tachimedes and Dimitri.
Why has this happened? Nothing has changed, same diet, same routine. Yes, Tony is new but he's been with us for nearly 2 months and he's fine - as are the other birds. Thought because I didn't change the water every day, like I do the outside birds, that he'd got trich from that. The water is boiled before use and it's the same water, same routine - but something is happening which is slowly sapping the life from him. The only other thing I can think of is a growth. His mouth appears fine although as it's such a small mouth it is hard to see inside. His nares are clear, his vent clear. I'm at wits end.
I'm also going nuts with cabin fever. It has not stopped raining all day, like every other damn day. Never thought I'd be sick of rain after living through years of drought but if it doesn't stop raining soon.... Can't ride the bike, walk the dogs, hard even to feed up and do the birds as the rain, solid soaking rain, never ceases.
Just gave Cornelius his last dose of water with diluted Coccivet for the day. He goes to the seed container but doesn't eat. At least there are no seed husks that I can see. Not eating is a sign of coccidiosis - except birds with cocci aren't interested in food. He clearly is yet doesn't eat. God, I wish I knew.
The creek is high and running fast. The aviaries are turning into ponds. At least the birds can get out of the wet with the shelters provided. I've never seen it rain like this, have never seen this much water. Closed the gate to the dam paddock and noticed the water which has been standing there for weeks now has a current. It is running swiftly down the hill towards the gelding's paddock where I suppose it makes its way to the creek.
We are lucky here in that being near the headwaters of the creek it is impossible for us to be flooded out. It would have to be a flood of biblical proportions for water to enter the house especially as we are on 2 foot high stumps, but those people downstream....they will be in trouble. I don't even think we could make it into town as the dams further down the road can no longer contain the water and it crosses the road. Usually the water depth would be a couple of inches but I suspect it will be much higher now.
Well, good thoughts and lots of prayers for Cornelius. We'll see how he is tomorrow. As R keeps saying, there is nothing more I can do but what I'm doing. He has to feel a little better with the fluids although it is enormously distressing to have a crop needle inserted. I have no followers on this blog but if I did I would ask everyone to keep the recovery of little yellow Cornelius foremost in their thoughts.
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ReplyDelete:'( My attempt at a very sad face. Sad for Cornelius, you, and the people downstream.