Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Night Cat Dreaming

Finished it. Slotted it into the big black folder where all unframed art is kept. R was supposed to take the frame into town to get glass measured but forgot. Have to paint it anyway. One of the downsides of buying used frames can be the colour scheme. This one is streaked yellow and blue in a failed attempt, perhaps, to make it look antique. Not that I'll be improving it much. Going to use a test paint pot of lavendar. Guess one of the benefits of using varying shades of black and grey is it goes with everything.

Now trying to come up with an idea for the next drawing. Done some idle thumbnail sketches but no joy. Am also looking through myth and mythology books, rediscovered John Duncan painting in the style of the pre-Raphaelites. Love the mysticism, the mystery and the jeweled beauty of his work. Should I copy? For practice? Part of me knows I should for I'll learn alot by copying such an artist but another part of me rebels at doing anything that is not my own.

Feel a bit crappy and uninspired today. Too little sleep contributes. Went to bed at midnight after watching a documentary on Lennon vs the USA. Then awakened by one of the birds having a night fright. Still have to get up early for the birds however.
Anyway health, rather ill health talk is boring.

Looking for a road bike to buy. Not going to the gym any more. Since I stopped going my neck and shoulders feel much better. Probably due to yoga but not motivated to spend 40 minutes driving so that I can work out when walking the dogs takes place in a beautiful setting. I am very grateful for our dirt road, The other day I saw a dingo crossing the road in front of us. The whippets seemed to know this was not a domesticated dog for although they were interested and on their toes they didn't spin on the end of the lead like they, well Radar, does when he sees a neighbour's dog.

A few days ago I heard this wet metallic wheezy screech, which is the best description I can come up with for the warning call of a pheasant coucal. Up the side of the hill in low scrub a largish hawk, too far away for me to identify, was flying from bush to bush dodging mobbing crows, magpies and willie wagtails. We weren't close but it didn't seem as though it had anything in its mouth. In hindsight I wonder if in fact the hawk was in trouble and couldn't fly well enough to gain height.

The creek came down a few days ago after a heavy deluge. R and I took the dogs for a walk and at one of the causeways saw a fish, about 3 inches long. Looked like one of those rainbow fish which are native to Queensland. But how did it get there? Dry Creek is aptly named. If we're lucky it comes down two or three times a year and usually stops flowing within a day. With all the rain recently it ran for about 4 days but still, a fish? The creek is stony dusty dry. All the water holes dry up. When we moved here 19 years ago the water hole at the eastern edge of our property had quite a few small fish in it. We didn't know enough to be amazed assuming the creek (that was the last year we had a normal season according to the locals) ran all the time. So the fish mystery remains. Still I like that I can't explain it.

Have subscribed to an RSS feed from Leo Babauta called Zen Habits. He has a Short and Powerful Guide to Finding Your Passion which I've started by listing my likes and desires and talents. Then comes the next bit; researching those who are successful - it comes down to Art of course. Do I really want to get out there and hawk my wares? I don't need to make a living but if I want my ego stroked and have people like my work, they have to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, and therein lies the rub for me. I don't need my ego stroked, I could use the extra income, and I absolutely cannot get out there and hawk my wares. If we have to rely on me hawking my wares for survival, we are as good as in the grave.
