Thursday, June 23, 2016

America Yawns, Starts to Wake Up

I'm starting to feel proud to be an American again.  Today the Democrats are staging a sit-in in the House to protest the lack of action concerning the accessibility of guns.  To most of the world it seems a no brainer.  Too many guns available to people who should not be allowed access to them.  But in the name of the 2nd amendment, everyone, whether they are on a no fly list or not, should be allowed a gun.


The sleeping giant is waking up.  Hypnotized too long by a combination of inertia, apathy and fear, the powers that be in Washington lay in thrall to the  Right to Bear Arms cult, promulgated by the NRA to be as sacred as the Ten Commandments.  But the 2nd amendment says more than the 'right to bear arms'.  It starts with the words, a well-regulated militia.  Not a free for all militia.

 It also states:  The fifth and last auxiliary right of the that of having arms for their defence, suitable to their condition and degree, and such as are allowed by law. 
Suitable to their condition and degree.  So a person on a terrorist watch or no fly list is suitable?  I think not.  I may not be the brightest LED light in the room but I feel pretty confident in saying a would be terrorist is not suitable gun ownership material.

I watched some of the live coverage from the House.  It was wonderful.  I don't know who was speaking, don't know what time of day or night it was, don't know the names of the gun victims whose photos were held up by other sit-in sittees were, but I do know, rather than cringing and feeling ashamed to call myself a Yank, I was proud.

It is a small step the Democrats are taking but they are taking that first step - and they ain't sleep-walking!

1 comment:

  1. You haven't lived here in awhile, hon, and I have to say I am on the side of gun ownership even if it means the occasional nut job has a gun. Because I and many, many others no longer trust our government, military, or police. There are a lot of people in powerful positions who are (as far as I can tell) most likely sociopaths, and they are running our country. The only thing that keeps America even slightly free anymore are the number of gun toting Americans who will fight back. Sadly, that means there will be terrorists and the like with guns...but better that than a completely unarmed, and victimized because of it, society.
