Saturday, January 16, 2021

 There are times when I am just unaccountably happy.  Nothing is different in the day.  Haven't seen or done anything outstanding, the routine, the chores, the hours flow unimpeded from one to another.  The day draws down, the light slants gold, and I am full to bursting with joy.  

Reading a small book by Thich Nhat Hanh lent by a friend.  A beautiful book.  A Buddhist book - and I think, I haven't learned a thing.  I remember writing about Buddhism nearly 40 years ago.  I feel the same.  I appreciate what he says, the interconnectedness of things.  I believe that.  What I have a - personal - problem with is the premise, the same with all the great religions I guess, is that perfection is somewhere or somehow different than here.  Non attachment.  To people, things, emotions, concepts, ideas, everything.  When I am attached to something or someone, whether it is an idea or a person, I have taken a stance, grasped hold of something, have removed myself from the reality of interbeing and have therefore set myself up to be hurt if, someone opposes me with another idea (Trumpism vs sanity for instance) or the person I love stops loving me (which may already be happening as dementia colonizes Richard).  To be free I need to let it all go, to see it as just different facets of the same non-dual reality.  And be non-dual myself.  Recognize with every fibre of my being I am one with all creation.  That is the goal, that is the goal post, that is the purpose of  life.

I get it.


Why ALL THIS then?  Why life at all?  Is it really an endless round of births until reaching nirvana and we gratefully drop off the wheel of endless incarnations?  Perhaps I'm just in an obstinate mood but it seem as though always guarding my thoughts and actions, always standing outside myself to ensure I stick to the nirvanic  path of least resistance kind of negates the joy of just being here, warts and all. 

If something hurts us, most of us eventually learn to stop doing the thing which brings about pain.  We don't need to constantly monitor our being.  Our being here now is enough.  

I guess it's the striving.  Here folks, is the perfection, recognize that you as a wave on an endless ocean are all the ocean.  Hold that thought.  When the wave breaks, you as water, are still the wave AND the ocean.  Ain't it grand?

But what about the wave?  Maybe I liked feeling the power and the speed as I gathered force coming to shore.  Maybe I liked the cresting and the way the sun shone through my foam at the top.  Maybe a dolphin surfed me in.  Maybe it was raining and I could feel the drops speckling as I roared over the sandy bottom.  Maybe I didn't want to be the ocean right then.  Maybe it was enough to be the wave. Maybe I wanted to feel myself break apart in a surge of clouded sand power as I hit the beach.  Maybe being a wave was enough.

Just sayin'.


  1. I agree. I love many Buddhist readings and concepts, but it still feels like “just-another religion” that doesn’t quite get it.
    I think I lean more toward quantum physics than religion...we are all one with all that is...much like my left pinky finger isn’t me, but it’s part of me. If something hurts it, my entire body is aware of the pain. But it isn’t “me”. I think we are that way with the all that is. It is aware of us, and we are aware we can’t stray too far from it because we are connected to it. I believe we create our reality in our minds and beliefs....and then I try to figure out how to stop creating pain and how to stop arthritis eating into my bones....and then I’m back into the world where I’m not a part of anything much. It’s a quandary.

  2. Your comment...another facet of the same nebulous 'thing' I was trying to get to. Walking that afternoon after posting I was still trying in my head to say what I meant because I knew I'd only circled but never 'hit' the bullseye. I totally totally agree with you - quantum mechanics, physics, the hologram concepts all is one and all is reflected in everything else. What hurts 'him', hurts me and vice versa. I guess what I take issue with: Christianity and original sin. Doomed with our first breath. Buddhism. All is suffering. Same concept, different words. Ingratitude for the miracle of being Alive.

  3. Gosh, I wrote a reply and somehow lost it. Bugger. Anyway, agree wholeheartedly. Quantum physics, mechanics, holograms, all in everything, everything in all. What 'gets' me I guess about Christianity and Buddhism is a) original sin, and b) all is suffering. Doomed before one draws one's first breath.

  4. I totally agree! Have you seen the movie “Avatar”? I love that movie even though I cry through it. Every time Insee it I am struck deeply by the scenes where the planet responds to the touch of the indigenous peoples bare feet as they walk. I believe earth responds to us the same way...but we are shod so as not to make the connection. I think it is not metaphor and yet is metaphor for so much of our lives/existence.

    When the freaking crews were here, I walked outside one night and stood barefoot on the earth and beseeched mother earth to move the gas that they were after I saw there as they drilled test spots they came up empty. I danced under the moonlight I prayed to the planet I spoke to her over and over again about moving the gas so that they wouldn’t find it from wherever they were drilling. And guess what, they drilled Several spots and yet they never found gas here. I think earth heard me and move the gas so they couldn’t find it. I think we are that connected if we only believe.

  5. Fracking crews, not freaking crews 😬
