Tuesday, January 5, 2021

 What will it take for the law to be upheld, for some law enforcement officers to enter the White House and say, "Please come with us, Sir." and escort that  man from the building?  Each time our capacity to accept the unacceptable grows, more unacceptable things happen.  Clinton was impeached because he lied.  He lied.   Trump, probably because he's a sick puppy, wouldn't know the truth if it got up and smacked him in the gob.  

But then Trump is a symptom of what's wrong with western democracy.  He's not the only would be if he could be strong man.  Look at our Scotty from Marketing.  Bolsonaro in Brazil.  Boris in Britain.  Maduro dreaming big time in Venezuela.  Granted, with the exception of Bolsonaro and Maduro, they aren't quite as dolally as Trump yet the people put them there.  At least at first.  It's like watching a bunch of lemmings head for the cliff.  The danger is pointed out but they refuse to see.

Listened to the BBC W.S. which tries very hard to be impartial.  So they routinely interview Democrats and Republicans.  ProTrump and MyGodTrump?  supporters.  One man, a military veteran (Navy?), articulate...for awhile.  Then there was radio silence.  Just as I began to wonder if something was amiss the interviewer said:  You're tearing up.  And the veteran sputtered, "He (Trump) saved us!"

He saved you?  From what?

And who will save us from Trump?

So he's leaning like a heavy on Raffensburger; cajoling, threatening, insulting, pushing, for the votes to be cast out in his favour.  The blatant EVIL of it.  And no one has marched in quoting Federal statute whatever it was about trying to subvert the election and marched out again with a hand under Trump's elbow.  Not yet anyway.

I live in hope.


  1. I’m living in hope with you. I’m aghast at what America has sunk to.

  2. Seeing this on (my) Saturday, the 16th. Only 4 more days to go. Hope lives.
