Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolving the New Year Resolution

I never make New Years Resolutions.  Can't think of one I've made so can't think of one I've kept.  But I'm 59 now and suppose it's not too late to try.  If nothing else making a resolution will help in mindfulness, that small itch of discomfort when I'm about to ignore it.

1.  I make more of an effort and fewer excuses about meditating.  It has been all too easy in the past to make no effort to meditate if that 15 minutes doesn't come immediately after completing yoga.  That will no longer do.  Meditation practice, even my sporadic attempts, makes a difference in ways I wouldn't have imagined.  For instance; usually I am quite (but quietly) resentful about the big family xmas do.  This year I just flowed with it.  I didn't have to try and overcome antipathy, it just happened.  I've noticed that about a few things.  It's a small change, this flowing with life, but significant, like driving on a road without having to brake for self-created speed bumps.

 2.  I don't do seconds.  Second helpings, that is.  I am 5'4" and weigh 56 kg.  Usually weigh 55 but it's crept up and stayed there.  Have to get it under control.  The banning of second helpings is one step.  Portion control another.  It's as though I don't feel full unless I am really FULL, which is not conducive to weight loss or even weight maintenance.  It's a mind thing.  If I can successfully quit smoking I can come to grips with this. 

3.  And finally, I will write more.  Was going to say write more honestly but how can I when writing the unvarnished truth has the power to hurt others.  Can't do it. 

That's it.  Happy New Year.

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