Perhaps I have taken the maxim 'Breathe' too much to heart. Never used to be aware of when I was holding my breath or breathing with short shallow inhalations. Yoga has helped with that. But I'm sure shallow breathing wasn't supposed to morph into sighing.
Just googled the word sigh and find the word was at its most popular around 1815-1820, took a big dip in the 1970s and has been on the ascendent until 2010. Sighing, according to as a
1 .to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
2 .to yearn or long; pine.
3. to make a sound suggesting a sigh: sighing wind.
Suspect I sigh from sorrow. Sorrow is perhaps too strong a word yet things have changed pretty dramatically in the past year, much of it excellent, much of it sad. And 'things' are accelerating, noticeably accelerating. So I sigh.
Which is better than crying so perhaps it's not such a bad thing after all. If I'm a little sad, a little sigh acknowledges that. Maybe that's a good thing.
Or not. I don't know. Sigh.