Thursday, November 23, 2017

Post 15 of 92.

4:37pm.  Ah, this is the one that I brought the page up and never did a thing with it.  It was late, it was dark and I hadn't cooked dinner yet - and after dinner the only thing I do is draw or read.  Thinking is too much effort.

Waiting for the rain to pass to take Mikaela for a walk. 
Thought I should add a photo.  That day we took her to Pottsville beach where dogs are allowed.  Unfortunately we couldn't let her run free but she was so happy to be there she jumped straight up in the air, like all four legs were pogo sticks.  Didn't know greyhounds could do that.

She has adjusted well.  She knows the routine now.  She plays, sleeps, eats and is more and more blase about the cats.  And the cats are getting better with her.  She is so large that she intimidates just by being in the room.  She looms.  She doesn't mean to and if she looks playfully at a cat, with ears pricked and a happy tail - only wanting to play - just saying her name stops her.  She means no harm but the cats need more time.

Richard still hasn't learned her name.  His mind is failing and seems to be failing faste than before.  Perhaps he's just in a bad phase.That's what I'd like to think.  I try not to worry.  Worrying.  A new thing for me. Am trying not to master the art.  No point in dwelling on how things are.  We're still the lucky ones.  I'm still a lucky one.  I remind myself of that when we are walking, when I'm taking a yoga or art class, when looking out the window behind the monitor at a wall of green.  It really is ok.  Have always believed we are never faced with more than we can deal with.  So when things get bad, I'll have the strength and will and energy and patience and LOVE to deal with it.  4:51pm

1 comment:

  1. There is a large piece of state land not far from my house called Yankee Springs. It is not vast, but still sizable. I’ve driven there and sat beside one of the many small lakes asking for guidance and I’ve screamed at the top,of my lungs. When my throat was raw and no screams were left I apologized to all nature for the scare of a human voice. It really helped.
