Monday, November 13, 2017

Post 13 of 92

4:26pm.  It's not that I've forgotten or given up...just haven't made the time, that measly two minutes to set aside, for this.

Sitting here with a cat sitting on me.  Had this long involved post in mind from Ken Wilbur's The Spectrum of Consciousness but would have to remove Matisse, who is feeling a little needy now that Mikaela has come and demands much of my time, so it will have to wait. 

But as per usual, I couldn't remember the name of the book so did a quick web search to find it (without removing Matisse) and then read a piece about the rise and fall of Ken Wilber and Integral Psychology by Mark Manson who found his hero was wearing clay socks after attending a weekend workshop.

So, really there are no gurus.  Many fingers point at the moon and we mistake those pointing fingers for the moon.  The experience, the wisdom, the search is all ours. 

On another cat on my lap free day I will quote the pertinent paragraphs from the book.  This is the book I read before which made me stand up and take notice and I was feeling a little disappointed that I wasn't having the same experience. Those few paragraphs...when you have to reread something several times in an effort, not to understand, but to perhaps breakthrough the logical rational understanding to the gut understanding of what Wilbur was saying, well, that's worth a bit of a blog.


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