Monday, August 26, 2013

The most marvellous dream this morning.  Long convulated story involving work and workmates at the surgery, my boss' house, the boss's mentally unstable son getting married and stabilizing, nudists, a toilet that sprayed mud and urine when flushed (won't even attempt - it's too scary - to decipher what that means) and finally winding up volunteering to help organize books at an opportunity shop.  Richard volunteered first (how like him) and I waded in after.  The woman in charge, all high energy and talent (she carved these extraordinary sleeping horses from wood) soon had us sorting books alphabetically.  I was going great guns until I came upon a box, an ordinary wood box but filled with art nouveau treasures in the form of carved perfume bottles.  A frosted glass one with stylized deer, one a cobalt blue, another amethyst.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  They were so beautiful and they were at an op shop.  Asked the woman what was the procedure for volunteers buying what they'd found.  She said the bottles would have to be sent to Melbourne to be priced and then volunteers would have to pay twice what they were worth.  Thought sending them to Melbourne was a bit inefficient, especially if they turned out to be worth less than the postage but otherwise fine. 

I awoke with a smile on my face.

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