Sunday, March 29, 2015

breathing back and gratitude

Read a couple of days ago, or rather reread, about the importance of gratitude.  I am grateful and express it every day but suspect REAL gratitude arises on each and every breath during every waking moment.  For when you think about it, that's just it, isn't it?  As I read somewhere else recently, "Thank you Universe for another ordinary day."  But if one actually Sees each moment, there is nothing ordinary about it.  Each moment is a miracle; grass growing, coffee steaming, breathing, cats sleeping, air against skin, thoughts, senses, breathing breathing breathing.

So with this sense of the world being softly supported in its orbit and all things on it as they should be (despite appearances), Richard and Helen found a candidate for our new home yesterday at Burringbar.  Even Richard was pleased and that's saying something.  If Helen likes it I'm sure I will too.  Have always liked the photos although it wasn't one of my favourite saves.  Beyond that I have a lame horse (Pagan, offside hind, no obvious sign of injury) and I've done my back again - this time by the strenous activity of sweeping up broken bits of soapstone from Kwan Yin's halo. 

I spent fifteen minutes on the couch wondering how I was going to get up.  What started as a little tweak morphed into a major spasm so painful I couldn't take a deep breath.  Thought about calling Richard to come home but of course, if I could make it to the phone then I could make it.  Worst episode yet.  Don't know why I get these things.  It's not spine it's muscle.  Today it's much better although I'm moving very carefully and with forethought.  No sudden moves.  Will try yoga but a modified version. 

Looking at art work on line, especially the quite creepy Laurie Lipton.  Quite creepy but quite brilliant.  Started doodling a bit yesterday but don't really have any idea of what I'll do.  Just want to DO something.  An itch that needs to be scratched.  Practice drawing, while valuable, doesn't satisfy nearly as much - rather like drinking decaffeinated when looking for that caffeine hit.  I want to be absorbed into the work. 

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