Monday, January 11, 2016

Boring stuff unless you're trying to sell a house

A thousand varieties of green.  The subtropics in summer after rain.  In winter it's a dozen shades of bleh, but once the rains come, one could gather together all the green varieties of paint, coloured pencils, pastels and inks, use them alone or in a thousand combinations and still not record every green nuance seen from this one window. 

Next day:  We've done it.  Dropped the price on the house.  Suppose many people have an inflated idea of what their house is worth.  I was certain this would sell for $419,000.  Heck, I thought it'd sell for $475,000.  Wrong wrong wrong.  So now it is $399,000 or will be when the realtors get around to changing the price.  Now it had better sell.  In April it will have been two years on the market.  That long and prospective buyers wonder what's wrong with the place.   Not a thing.  It's a little piece of paradise and everyone who has been here comments on how beautiful it is, inside and out.  Even people who came and didn't buy it. 

Have to admit I've been stubborn about it.  We could've sold it for $395,000 (the value of hindsight) but I was certain of it's worth.  Now I have to come off my high horse and admit I was wrong (something I'm no good at).  The property, as much as I love it, needs to go so we may go.  And to do that we may have to take substantially less than planned. 

Richard is also a sticking point.  "Four hundred thousand no less" was his mantra.  Had to convince him that we would still be okay financially if less money is accepted.  We do need money in the bank and we do need money for perhaps a dog fence around the house, a shed perhaps, tank replacement, who knows?  We'll just have to  play it by ear.

I'm going this weekend to Currumbin to catch up with Helen and have a mini-break.  Am trying to organize an inspection of the Cobaki house ( ).  Wasn't going to look at any more houses until we had a solid offer/contract on this one but why waste a trip?  Am so SO looking forward to seeing the sea.  Tried to explain this need to Kathy but as she has an aversio to water, I may as well try to be convinced of the cuddliness of spiders by an arachnophile. 

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