Monday, November 9, 2020

 Biden/Harris Win.

The four year old fever has broken.  Delirium ends.  Healing begins.

That's what it feels like.  After years of living in a fog of fear and frustration and disbelief, the sickness succumbs to the body's natural healing and normality returns.  And I can breathe again.  If this is what it feels like from the other side of the world I can only imagine what the people in the US feel like. 

 Unless you are a Trump supporter of course.  

Seventy million votes for a man who is demonstrably mad is worrisome.  If you're a hard case far right nutter, it's understandable.  But I don't believe there are 70 million hard right nutters in America.  The economy has gone down the toilet, people are dying from the virus, hospitals are unable to cope, infrastructure is inadequate and falling apart, people are frightened for their property and lives.  What salvation did Trump offer except to validate and exacerbate their fears.  

One worrying element, which is a product of the Trump era, is the loss of confidence in the media, in science, in truth.  Words don't carry weight unless received from a 'trusted' source which might be diametrically opposed to another 'trusted' source.  Without faith in words, we are cast adrift - and receive our news from Facebook or Twitter.  There is no bedrock upon which to anchor ourselves while the tides of information flow over us.   

Biden/Harris have an almost impossible job ahead of them, a task which will take more than four years to accomplish.  I think they are up to it.  Joe is steady, calm, trusted and an old hand at working in DC.  Harris is smart, energetic and responsible.  I think they are a formidable team.  

They'll need to be.

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