Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dice living today.  First roll said water the fernery which I have done, the next said write here.  The other choices were write my Aunt, wash the car (ick!), do yoga, plant the leek seeds in a seedling box,  draw (which I'll do after lunch anyway).  As I do one activity, I cross it out and add another.  I can add something fun or something I procrastinate doing.  Dice-ing works on those days when I am not terribly focussed or motivated to do any one thing but have a lot to do.  It's also fun and engenders a small thrill of excitement.  I suspect that small thrill is because I am aligning myself in a small way with the hidden vibrations of the universe.  Too lofty a claim for such a small thing?  Perhaps but why does the Tarot so often prove correct or apt for the questioner?  Ditto the I Ching?  Jung didn't scoff at it and neither do I.  There are more things in the Universe Horatio, etc.

We seem to have a permanent population of whistling ducks in the peach paddock.  About twenty of them plucking the grass like little web footed lawnmowers.   We also have a young scrub turkey who shows up nearly every afternoon to scratch around the gardens.  He's very bold and doesn't seem frightened of us or the dogs.  If we get too close he scuttles into the long grass but we have to be pretty close before he takes off.

Yesterday, R went with our neighbour to his cousin's house.  Her husband died a month or so ago.  He was a hoarder of sorts and as alot of his stuff is large and unwieldy R wants to give her a hand.  The husband collected Buddhas.  R asked if I was interested in having one.  Sure I said so he brought home about twenty of them.  Most of them are resin or plaster, very ornate and not very appealing but he did bring have a few wooden ones that are delightful.  Especially this large (3/4 computer CPU size) wood fellow with a cheery grin and an ample, very ample belly.  Loved him on sight.  But I have taken a few others.  One very large red resin fellow, very complicated with wicker hat, chinese characters (ideograms?), bags and a string of coins I have put in the fernery.  He is too fussy to be in the house (too fussy to clean properly either) but his deep red looks great in the green of the fernery.  I'm quite chuffed.  Also in the collection were 3 soapstone figurines; one of Kwan Yin another of Ganesh but I don't know who the third guy is.  I think he's a Buddha but he's different in form, more like an Indian god than Chinese.  I've always liked soapstone. 

I have had a small wood Buddha here in the office for a few years now.  I bought him somewhere in the States at a second hand shop or a garage sale or something.  He's a laughing Buddha.  He finds life not only amusing but a downright hoot.  I couldn't resist him then and I still love him now.

The convex mirror drawing is going well.  I am working on the area surrounding the mirror.  Decided against trying to copy the actual frame that the mirror is in.  Just wouldn't have worked.  It has been a very fiddly piece but I have enjoyed it.  It isn't as well done as I'd like.  I'm really trying to slow down and take the time it takes but even though I'm not rushing through I just don't have the skill to make it as good as what is in my head.  

I see the Archibald is on again.  One day I'd like to get down to see it.  800 entries of which only 40 or 50 will be hung.   There are some talented people out there.  Saw some of the works in the packing room on TV.  I love it that people still love to draw and paint.    I guess I'm just too old and set in my opinions to be agog about some of the stuff which is considered art today.  (Still suspect a good few of them are having a wank).

Watched a piece on ABCs Art Nation about the new gallery MONA (Museum of Old and Modern Art).  It features the collection of David Walsh.  No doubt there are many beautiful pieces in it but what grabs the news and therefore what we see are the more dubious 'works of art'.  One is a machine which makes faeces.  Put the food in one end and through a series of tubes and beakers the end result are blobs of poo.  What an inspiring work!  Another was a painting, perhaps a photograph, of people spreading their cheeks so their anus was on view.  Inspiring!  Another was of beef carcasses hung on a wall.  I'm faint with awe!    What a load of codswallop!  It's privately funded and it does reflect the taste of the collector so if that's what blows his hair back, good for him.   But I can't help but think some 'artists' are laughing all the way to the bank. 

1 comment:

  1. I read a very hoity toity article on the importance of the Louvre's "Gabrielle d'Estrées and One of Her Sisters" importance in the 16th century works and I looked at it and said Hogwash...the artist and models were having fun and poking fun at the aristocracy. I actually stood behind three art professors, a history professor and an art critic at an art competition and overheard them discussing a painting and the great depth of despair and the struggle between good and evil the infamous war between power and powerlessness and I was so impressed with this amazing piece of work that I has to step around them to see what painting they were talking about...and it was mine! And that was not AT ALL what I was thinking about when I was painting it! They were highly acclaimed in their fields and I knew in that moment they were all quacks! The world is nuts kiddo. And you may be one of the few sane people here.
