Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Non Zen Zen

Mid-afternoon sliding into late when the day has been what it's been and the golden light seals the remains of the day.   Last night while lying in bed a cool breeze flowed over my cheek.  Such a small thing but it made me so happy.  That breeze that touches everything, changes everything and is changed in turn.  It is at once separate yet part of all.  Again, this morning, on the yoga mat, my humid curly hair swayed in a breath of wind coming through the window.  I don't know why this small everyday thing fills me with such joy.  It is enough that there is a breeze and I am here to feel it. 

I am going out to plant some parsley and spinach in the garden.  It is too nice an autumn afternoon to stay indoors. Then I might wash the dogs before we take them for their afternoon walk to dry off.  It is such a perfect day.

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