Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Metaphysical Occurrence?

Last night something happened which was a little odd.  I would dismiss it out of hand except Matisse, the Siamese, heard it too.  I'd gone to bed at 10 but couldn't sleep.  There is that phase between waking and sleeping called hypnagogic sleep when you've got a foot in both camps so to speak but haven't quite submitted to either.  I was thinking about black holes after a documentary we'd watched last night in which Dr. Stephen Hawking postulated that information was lost once it is taken past the event horizon in a black hole.  This goes against physics in that information while capable of being rearranged, can never be lost.  In theory, it says if you have all the information about something, even if it has been atomized, it can be resurrected.  Dr. Hawking said it could not.  So I was lying there thinking about black holes.  One thing (among many) that I discovered in this documentary, is that black holes can and do 'die'.   Dr. Susskind spent the next 10 years trying to dispute Hawking's claim and succeeded in doing so.  But Hawking wasn't finished.  He said he'd been wrong for 30 years.  That the information stretched along the event horizon didn't disappear but was 'cancelled' out by other universes where black holes didn't exist. 

My theory went something like this.   For one thing it seemed to me that if universes existed where there weren't black holes and universes that had them either they had nothing to do with one another in their effects of having them or the universes just cancelled each other out and nothing existed.  Or, what makes more sense in the nonsensical world of metaphysics, what if the black hole in this universe reached a saturation point and 'popped' through to another universe?  So energy from this universe bleeds into another and while that energy is being sucked through to the other the black hole dies in this one.  Are there 'white' holes in this universe, places where energy spews out creating galaxies and the like?  I don't know but that was what I was thinking about when the strange event took place.

I heard a voice, an electrified voice, rather like Dr. Hawking's, which said 'isness".  Matisse heard it at the same time as I.  He was sleeping against my legs and I felt him start and although I couldn't see him in the dark I knew he was looking into the living room.  There was nothing else, only that strange phrase.  I thought it was the latter half of 'business' but the more I thought about it it didn't make sense.  Why say business?  Now I think what I heard was correct.  It wasn't the second half of business but 'Is-ness'.  That's a word fraught with metaphysical meaning if ever there was one.  I can't take it any further than the obvious Is-ness of 'what IS IS'. 

1 comment:

  1. intriguing, and my eyes have shut three times while trying to read this so...tomorrow....
