Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Gym and Parkinsons Disease

Richard has been going to gym about twice a week for over a month.  It has made a difference but I noticed he was stuck on 3 machines, two machines which work the arms and the bike.  Stopped in one day with him, not dressed in gym gear, but had a go on lots of machines and got hi to try a machine which would really open up his chest.  (One of the effects of Parkinsons is the closing in, the physical curling up, rounding over of the body.  The other day while walking, his arm kept lifting until his fist was in his sternum.  That's the position he takes with both arms when at rest.  Parkinsons is a disease which requires vigilance and mindfulness - the very things it erodes). 

Discussed at length whether I should join or not as I didn't want to cramp his style or intrude in a place that was his own but he was pretty clear.  It would be nice if I joined.  So I did.  

The second time I went with him I got him to try the cross trainer.  What a perfect machine for Parkinsons!  The first time I realized something was wrong with Richard is when I heard him shuffling on the way to the loo one night.  Parkinsons causes shuffling.  On the cross trainer one must lift the weight and press down to make it go, even though the foot doesn't actually come off the plate.  Took Richard a bit of effort to get it going (there is also the benefit of having both sides of the body/brain exercised).

The follow on effect was noticeable.  Our afternoon walk was almost brisk and he walked with more authority in his stride. 

I think we're on the right track and it's all due to Wilma who told me about a woman with Parkinsons at her local gym (Wilma is in her 70's) who has been transformed with the help of exercise.

Richard is also getting some muscle tone back.   And it won't hurt me either.  I don't get any cardio with yoga and walking so getting on the bike or cross trainer and going like the clackers gets my heart rate up without hurting my joints.

I won't make the same mistake as before when I went to the gym by lifting too much and hurting my neck.  It's really quite exciting as it will benefit us both while giving us something we can do together.   Instead of twice a week I'll try for three times. 

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