Saturday, February 6, 2016

Edgar, coiffed and ready to go.

Just a quick post so that I can attach the latest picture of Edgar - who is, after all, entering his cute fuzzy crow stage. 

He actually took food from my fingers twice today.  At his choosing  If I hold a tidbit of food out to him he does the baby crow routine; head back, mouth agape, accompanied by the Baby Crow Grumble, a continuous complaint which is not at all displeasing.

Notice the flight feathers of his deformed right wing break off half way up the shaft and that he has not removed the keratin sheath on any of them unlike his left normal wing which is flight ready. 

The two wild crow juveniles are flying well enough to be released now.  Not sure what the benefits are of keeping them caged.  The local crow population, or a representative of the local crow population, stops in the nearby silky oak tree at dusk for a good old chin wag.  Is he welcoming or warning them.

I lean toward releasing them sooner rather than later.  If they are still obviously youngsters perhaps the adults will see them less as a threat and more of something needing their protection.  Not sure the juveniles will benefit by keeping them in captivity but have come up with a plan.  Edgar is close to being too big for his carrier.  He can't fly (and I'm not sure he ever will) but he is so tall now that he sometimes poops over the edge.  If he decides he is ready to leave 'the nest' than he will have to be removed to the snake safe aviary.  A cocky cage is too small and of course he can't just wander around loose.  So the day he stumbles into the adult world, the resident wild juveniles will be released (after a hefty breakfast and lunch),

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