Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Is the House Sold or Is it Not

Waiting to see if we've sold the house.  A woman viewed it, loved it.  I liked her, felt the house would fit her and vice versa.  Wanted to see her in it rather than that hard-edged woman we'd had before who was fine about her dogs 'sorting out the bandicoots' - but that's another story.  Anyway, this woman; whippet owner, Egyptian Mau cat owner, said up front she couldn't afford the $399,000.  Told the realtor she'd make an offer of $360,000, which after toting up the numbers, we accepted, just to see the house 'go to a good home' so to speak.

Blow me down, she reneged.  Said all she could give us was $350,000.  We said no even though (despite her saying previously she had to check with her bank) that the $350,000 was a 'cash' buy.  Then today, she offered $355,000.  Said no.  Finally came up with $357,500.  Said no.  Why can't people say what they mean and mean what they say?  We dropped $39,000 to meet her.  In response, she drops another $10,000!  Told D last time he rang to tell her 'good luck with her house hunting.'  He rang back immediately after we'd hung up to ask would I still accept $360,000 or was I just pissed off and done with her?  Yes, I would  accept but must say I've got a bad taste in my mouth.  The gloss has rubbed off and now I wish I'd stuck to my guns about price.  If her eyes were bigger than her stomach, that's not my problem.  The price is clearly marked on all the ads.  It's not a secret.

Anyway, waiting for that final call.  Think she'll have her panties in a twist now and won't come up with the extra cash. 

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