Sunday, March 25, 2018

Post 33 of 92

9:27am.  There is a steady rhythmic thumping in the background.  Our neighbours married yesterday.  They are young with many young friends.  The 'music' (I use the term with reservations) went on loudly until midnight and began again at 6:30am.  I applaud their endurance. 

When I took Mikaela, prompt as ever waking me at 6:22am, to the A frame, I could hear the men talking and laughing, fresh as though they'd just arrived. 

The newly married couple had the foresight, wisdom and politeness to warn us and the other neighbours of what was about to transpire with a letter drop.  Otherwise the neighbourhood would be cranky with those 'young people and their crappy music'.  As it is, we just wait.  Eventually - tonight? - they'll wind down and go home to prepare for work Monday morning.

I hope.

Guess every generation is destined to misunderstand and dislike the music of the generation that follows.  This music, as far as I can make out, is entirely electronic.  There is no singing.  The only voice I've heard is what appears to be a question and answer segment in some of the 'songs'.  The accent is on the beat, like a quickened heartbeat, which is hypnotic as the other sounds (not melody) weave in and around it.   At least it's not heavy metal and screaming guitars which, although disastrous for the ear drums, at least has emotion.  This music seems to be a product of our digital age; precise, clean and entirely soulless.  9:39pm

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