Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Post 46 of 92

Strange lights in the sky that weren't fireworks.

I took Mikaela out for her piddle break last night at 11:30.  The sky was clear and cloudless.  Stars bright all the way to the horizon.  While she was doing her business I saw a flash with my peripheral vision, rather like weak heat lightning.  I looked up and saw thin illuminated cloud like shapes: round, oval, losenge - traversing the night sky.  The 'clouds' came from the north.  They sailed or jiggled, hovered,  swung side to side or wobbled then disappeared to be replaced by another.  Mostly they were visible one at a time but sometimes there were two, one 'coming' one 'leaving'.  They didn't seem to move in a 'natural' way which made me think a new gadget has been invented which makes shapes in a clear night sky.  And that was another odd thing.  If there had been clouds then the explanation would be that lights were being reflected off the bottom of them - but there were no clouds.  The illuminated clouds appeared then disappeared seemingly from thin air. 

The only other explanation I can think of is that through some weird atmospheric refraction these were reflections of fireworks going off - before midnight - somewhere else.  Except.  Fireworks tend to shoot up and then dissolve slowly downwards.  These clouds - translucent, not opaque, defined but fuzzy around the edges, sometimes striated along their length - did not move consistently in one direction.  

1 comment:

  1. I've seen things in the night sky that defy 'traditional' and/or 'logical' explanation.
