Monday, December 14, 2015

A Few Brief Moments of Losing My Mind

Something quite creepy and impossible to explain has happened.  And I did it.

Yesterday I had a play with water soluble coloured pencils and a new water brush (Koi).  I don't do watercolour so the result was pretty awful.  The pencil sketch of Natalia wasn't too bad but the painting is hideous.   That isn't the creepy bit though.  On the left hand side, in ink I wrote 'first attempt water soluble pencils, no highlights!'  Now the creepy bit.  I also wrote 'Rather lots of spinach. Fat horse on DGR not truly seen by O."  This is written on the same slant in the same messy cramming-it-in-on-the-side handwriting, which means it looks as though it was a natural continuation of the comment on the painting.

But I don't remember writing it.

And I don't know what it means.

Why would I write about spinach?  We eat spinach, a fair amount actually but we didn't have any last night (we had Thai Peanut Fried Rice).  As for the fat horse on Dry Gully Road not truly seen by O, I assume that O means owner.  I do have a fat horse, Dakota, who is confined to the Peach, aka Jenny Craig, Paddock because he has grass foundered again.  So that makes a bit of sense, as though I wrote about myself not truly seeing he was getting into difficulty by getting too fat (even my farrier is surprised that he founders so easily as he isn't cresty nor does he have that typical cellulite dimpled hindquarter).  In any case, that sentence could make sense but why write in the third person and why don't I remember writing it?

I clearly remember writing about the painting, shown here: 

It is a mystery.  Unless I am going senile.  There are some other possibilities; that I fell asleep or into some kind of daydream and that allowed physical expression, ie writing, at the same time as I dreamed.  Or I entered into some kind of fugue state ( fugue, or fugue state) presents as sudden, unexpected travel away from one's home).  Home in this case being a normal, ie conscious, state of mind.  

Guess I'll never know.  I do know that despite the frisson of fear (what if I am losing my marbles?) having a mystery is rather nice.  A good dollop of the unexplained to liven things up.


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