Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Grand Old Party Isn't Grand Anymore

My parents were Republican.  Politics was often discussed at home although as a child I found the subject boring and didn't listen.  They voted for Barry Goldwater and circulars from the John Birch Society used to come in the mail.  Politics was something they agreed on and when it was the subject of conversation the atmosphere was congenial.  Too often nothing was discussed in the family home and the atmosphere was charged with unspoken antipathies.  Therefore, in a strange sort of way, I associated being Republican with being family.

I remained Republican until I started to travel.  There was no epiphany, no great revelation when I switched from conservative thinking to a more liberal viewpoint.  It just happened over time.  Even so, I still have a fondness for the lumbering elephant that is the Republican icon.

Until now.  Well, that's not entirely true.  Republicans seemed to lose their way with Reagan and his political love affair with the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.  Republicans lost the ability to empathize.  If people were doing it tough, too bad.  The American Dream is that anyone, no matter their circumstances or background, can aspire to be President.  If you didn't raise yourself from the mire by your bootstraps then you weren't trying hard enough. 

I grew up a little and started paying attention to world affairs and the States part in them.  I saw that we put on our combat boots when American interests, usually oil interests, were threatened.  With a seemingly endless supply of money to convince the subject country to see things our way, we used the military, the CIA, sanctions, diplomatic pressure, assassinations and skullduggery to get what we wanted.  Americans, so proud and powerful, arrogant with power, didn't pay enough attention.  We were the honourable nation.  If we were doing this overseas, than we had to be in the right.  The USA could do no wrong.  But we did and we are.

We got away with it and it worsened until we had Guantanamo Bay; government sanctioned torture and the flaunting of the Geneva Convention.  And we weren't even ashamed enough to try and hide it.  Guantanamo Bay and all that it meant to our decaying morals was flaunted.  It was the first time I was ashamed to be an American.

And this is just world politics.  We also have the legalized corruption of the Super Pacs, Big Business and the thing which will kill us all, climate change, which Rubio, the baby-faced poster boy of 'moderation'  said is not man made because temperature change is normal

I used to envision the GOP as being made up of venerable white-haired old men, rather like my childish image of God (mom asked me once to draw what I thought God might look like.  I drew a white haired white man inside a big heart).  The Grand Old Party isn't grand any more.  It's not even Great.  It's Grubby and mean. 

Now there's a kind of morbid fascination watching it's death throes.  The dreadful thing is, it is taking the USA with it.  That that suntanned, fairy-flossed, middle-aged Ken doll has made it this far without being chucked out on his ear, illustrates how deep the rot goes. 

Poor Fellow, My Country.

1 comment:

  1. What amazes me is that over the course of history Republican and Democratic party platforms have changed sides several times (by that I mean that they have switched their supported beliefs) and yet few people seem to be aware and even fewer ever mention it. When the parties can't remember what it is they stand for, how are we supposed to keep them straight?

    When watching the circus that is Donald Trump, the very fact that the Republican Party has not already refused any association to him, has ended any respect for the Republican party as a viable political force in my mind. And, the very fact that the Democratic Party has not called them to task for it, has created some doubt as to their veracity in my mind also. I believe I see the fall of the system in view.

    I am appalled at how arrogant we Americans are and how we don't see that we are too often the terrorists that we are so terrified of. How many countries have we invaded in the name of honor and right and how many women, children and old people have we "terrified". We have been the perpetrators of acts of terror far more often I think than any of us want to believe.

    I think we live in interesting times. I think that may be a curse.
