Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Joni Mitchell's writing and Progress with Dimitri

Just went to my dashboard page and suddenly really noticed what photo I'd chosen for this blog. It's of me driving. Driving a motorhome a couple of years ago, cross country from the west coast to the east. In this case the country was the USA, not Australia.
I love Joni Mitchell. I've always loved Joni Mitchell. Her lyrics speak to me. Today I was listening (yet again, for the 1029th time, to Hejira, my favourite album). Partly I think I relate to her lyrics because she's always on the road,' travelin' travelin' travelin'. My formative years, beyond the childhood years, were when I began to discover who I really was, not what I thought I was. That interior journey came about as a result of an exterior journey. I left family, friends and familiar shores and shifted about strange Antipodean shores. I didn't settle in any locale for more than two years. I learned to rely on myself. I got into sticky situations and got myself out again. I learned I could be brave, that I was strong and resilient. I learned that I liked my own company. If I hadn't left one continent and moved to another I think I would be a very different person today.
When no one knows you or your history or your antecedents, you scent the trail which may lead you (if you're really lucky and assiduous) to who you really are. You become more iron and less froth. Joni, it seems, is always on the road. She became 'porous with travel fever' yet the 'slightest touch of a stranger could set a tingling in my bones'. These songs always resonate with me. It's not that I spent years and years and years traveling solo but enough to know the freedom - and the cost. Maybe I'm only nostalgic for the road, set as I am now with husband, home and animals. I do not wish it any other way but for every choice one makes, other choices sink into oblivion.
Joni's many layered lyrics blow you away with a minimum of words, pointed and true. When I listen to her lyrics I despair that I can ever convey such imagery with so little. For instance, in her 'Song for Sharon', is 'A woman I knew just drowned herself. The well was deep and muddy. She was just shaking off futility or punishing somebody." Unfortunately, I've met people who have suicided. One was shaking off futility and the other was punishing someone.
But enough of that. Good day today. Making steady progress with Dimitri. Was, of course, pushing him too hard, so have backed right off. Now he's following me into the office and I'm c/t'ing for him to come closer. Eventually he'll take millet from my fingers while he's on the floor and I tower over him in an office chair. His whole demeanor is different; less watchful, more trusting. I am so happy!
We've had to cut his tree perch in half. Day before yesterday I was in here and heard a loud thump. He came down to this end with blood on his beak. Found two more drops on the floor. He'd lost his balance and fallen. Now instead of his perch being head height (I'm 5'4") it is waist height. He could still lose his balance and fall but if he does it shouldn't be as bad. Have also piled towels behind the perch, between the perch and the wall. He must have somehow fallen there to have hit hard enough to bite his tongue. I thought I had the crash sites covered but obviously not. Have also put him on pellets today (will give him seed in a few minutes) and both he and Tachimedes are on coccivet as I don't like the colour of their poos. Too green and loose. Tach is having a hard time as he's been gorging on Dimitri's seed for 2 months and ignoring his pellets. It's back to the regimen today and he's not happy. But he'll come around.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that somewhere, either in your book(s) or in your blog, that you go more in depth about your travels and your time, lessons learned, etc. alone, travelling the world. It seems so scary to me. There was a time when I might have done it, but now it just seems scary. I don't know that I ever would/could have. I look forward to whatever scraps I can glean from what you toss out. Glad Dimitri is ok after the fall. Did he make his way to you deliberately when he was bleeding for you to see?
