Monday, February 4, 2013

Karma and this Gossip Girl

 Karma can deliver swift and merciless punishment.  Not subtle either.   KAPOW!   Pay ATTENTION!  What was I thinking just before I slipped in the spilled water Richard asked me to clean up which I didn't because I thought by the time he got home it would have dried anyway and while I was carrying the saucepan full of cat faeces and urine soaked litter?  I was thinking about a vet nurse I knew and what I said about her to someone the other day.  I said, nice girl but she's lazy. 

Yup, I gossiped and said some not very nice things about not just her but some other people I know.  Even as the words were leaving my mouth I was sorry.  Not sorry enough I guess for the fact that I was reliving those words was enough to send me down on my butt and elbow in a spreading carpet of dirty cat litter.  So I will do better.  Instead of indulging in that fleeting dubious pleasure of dishing dirt I will listen to that little voice and keep my mouth shut.   

As a gossip I am probably at the leaner end of the scale.  I've often tried to change the subject or defuse it when someone else gossips.  That doesn't excuse me when I do.  The challenge now is there is so much delicious gossip going on right now.  Clear sinners and those sinned against.  It is easy to damn them.  The temptation is enormous.  It is easy to forget they are just like me.  Those sayings about stoned glass houses and  those among us who has not sinned are not words created in a vacuum.  Who am I to tell tales when my life has not been without evil?  Oh yes, I have been evil.  Evil, in my opinion, is the deliberate and conscious harm to another living being.  Every time I jerk on Radar's collar when he pulls.  Every time I say something unkind to Richard.  Every time I gossip - gossip is harming at one remove - I am evil.  It isn't nice.  I don't like it.  I don't like it about myself.  I would rather admire myself, enjoy my company, think I'm an okay kind of guy (or girl).  So Karma, swift and merciless, bring it on!

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