Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 Several times I thought we'd turned the corner.  Matisse would eat on his own without being coaxed.  He'd gain a little weight, seem happier and more 'normal'.  Unfortunately this bumpy trend seems to have crashed to a halt.  Got him to eat a dozen? kibbles yesterday and that's it.  Ate nothing overnight and has vomited the frothy white stuff three times in two days. Going to try for a phone consult with the vet today.  Not going to take Matisse in.  Going to ask in view of these circumstances what the next step would be.  If it's something like up the strength of the amoxyclav, we're in.  If it's another round of drip and injections, we're not. 


  1. Perhaps one of the worst parts of aging is that so many of our loved ones have aged with us and many of them we will mourn. We’ve lost so many furry family members we can’t get another. As wonderful as they are, we’ve both come to the end of the line on losing them. We agreed that we can’t go through it again. My heart breaks for you, I wish I could ease your pain. ❤️

  2. Didn't see this post until today. Am so pleased to say, I think he's okay. We've had a few good days now. He's eating on his own, he's talking again, which he didn't do when sick, and...well, I wasn't going to get optimistic again, but I am. I understand your not wanting to endure the pain and grief again. So many clients at the vet sx, always the ones who took the best care of their pets, decided the same thing. Understand but sorry the ones who give the best care are the ones who say never again.
