Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lazy Sunday

May not have much time as R is on his way with malaysian takeaway.  Was thinking today about just enjoying the moment without the usual accompanying guilt.  Today is Sunday.  It has been quite cold and unpleasant outside although the sun has shown in a cloudless blue sky.  Even so R and I stayed indoors most of the time (save for chores and the 6km dog walk) and watched old movies on telly.  Watched for the second time, Now, Voyager with Bette Davis and Claude Rains.  Why don't they make movies like that anymore?  Class and beauty and feeling all the way.  Anyway, so it was a low key non-doing sort of day but nevertheless very pleasant.  I enjoyed the movies.  I enjoyed the dog walking in the afternoon.  I enjoyed fixing the nose on that last painting (R, although not artistic in the classical sense, can pick up things I don't see through 'stable blindness').  And now, I am enjoying the early evening with a glass of red, waiting for an indulgent dinner that someone else has cooked.  The simple things.    That's enough, at least in my present mood of not being so hard on myself.  Appreciating the gifts so freely given.  The companionship of my darling best friend husband, the sunny blue sky, the old classic movies, the yoga (done again in part with R), the opportunity to write of these things in this blog (thank God for technology - out of hand in many ways and a real boon in others). 

Overheard R talking to his eldest son, Anthony about my prowess in the kitchen.  That's the real miracle in his eyes.  It's true.  I've been cooking and thinking about cooking which breaks the habit of 40 years.  I don't like to cook but yet I'm enjoying it in a strange sort of way.  Perhaps the bread-making (with the help of a breadmaker) has broken the mold of a lifetime.  I've put together vegetarian dishes found on the internet.  Never seem to have the ingredients required but scumble others togegether in a way that has worked, despite history to the contrary.  And I like it.

Ah, he's back.  Must go.  What a lovely day.  What a lovely life - and oh, I'm starting to fool around with an old box of oil pastels.  Am I daring to be brave and attack colour again? 

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