Monday, June 27, 2011

The power of thought.  It works.  Had a feeling, ie thought, that I'd have trouble getting my application for the Homegrown Exhibition to the facilitators as it has to be done online.  Yup, thoughts are things.  Not only could I not get the application attached to my email, now I can't even download the #$#%@# pix from the camera!  Have done it before, no dramas, now the 'puter doesn't seem to recognise that a camera is actually plugged in ready to offload the photos.  Don't know what to do now as I've tried everything in my limited repertoire including recharging the battery.  The deadline is in three days.  Won't make it.  Perhaps it's a sign to carry on with the attitude I've held toward art; art is in the doing, not the showing. 

I love computers. I love what they can do but they can sure drive me crazy when I hit a roadblock.  Also, when I have trouble doing tasks that every one else finds easy - usually having to do with attaching or sending or organizing things, particularly.  Was talking to R the other day about missing my old Olympus OM10.  I carry it in the car and have pictures on the film waiting to be developed.  Some of the earlier ones would be two years old.    I like taking the film in and waiting those few days to get that fat paper envelope back, hopefully full of happy surprises.  Now,  you look at your photos on the computer.  Or you take your little card in somewhere and the salesperson comes over and walks you through how to use the machine.  I've only done it once.  Hated it.  I don't want to be involved.  I want that magic photo elf to do his work behind the scenes and present me with the photo apport at the end.  Not sure I can even get film developed in this country town anymore.  The photo shop has been closed for a few years now. 

Three yearlings just walked past the window.  The neighbour's horses are out again.  The dogs were so well behaved.  Radar had that gleam in his eye, 'oh, please let me chase 'em, pleeez!' but he didn't.  Walked the horses, two bays and a buckskin, out to the road and closed the gates.   Just rang the neighbour at the same time as someone was banging on their door, probably to tell them their horses are out. 

Had a very strange yet beautiful dream about horses.  Two horses, one jet black  and the other snow white, wearing white trench coats sans belt.  They were underwater.  The water was emerald green and clear as air.  They floated down this green watery canyon feet first untroubled by being many metres underwater.  I have no idea what this dream means.  I mean, trench coats?

Another dream was, I believe, the tail end of an OBE.  I dreamed I was floating in air, my feet drawn up under me.  Felt myself slowly slipping sideways and woke up to find myself in bed in the same position I'd held while out of the body.  Haven't had anything like that occur for literally years.  Used to have a more exciting nocturnal life.  Suspect yoga and the breathing along the kundalini and the albeit, poor attempts at meditation have stirred things up again.  How very nice.

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