Sunday, February 7, 2021

 The book is getting to me.  Or my undisciplined mind is getting to me.  So far, have been fairly good at just writing as it comes, trying not to be overwhelmed by the immensity of what has to be pulled together to finish.  Had a major hiccup a couple of days ago.  Wrote and wrote and deleted and deleted and wrote some more and it just wouldn't 'fly'.  Finally, it felt 'ok', not great, but not so flagrantly wrong that I couldn't go on.  I'm not the type of person who can skip a difficult bit and go on to something easier....because one thing has to lead to another to lead to another.  It all has to follow on or lead back to with smooth logical transitions.

So got over that hurdle but the monster in the room lodged in my bed overnight.  Couldn't get away from the 'problems' of the book.  So defeating.  

Said a little prayer to the Writer Gods to get back on track today - and it worked.  After a shaky start had a few paragraphs of, if not brilliance, at least a satin sheen.

Now going to yoga to get the kinks out of mind and body.  And watch the storm come - complete with thunder and lightning.  Looked on the radar.  Just a tiny cranky pants storm cell over us and no where else!

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