Saturday, November 25, 2017

Post 18 9f 92 two glasses of wine.  

Have noticed a new habit of mine.  No idea how long it has been in the making but it is surely full blown and mature now.  I sigh.  I sigh a lot.  I sigh with sound.  A sort of female, faint keening sound.  Had no idea.  Amazing how one's state of mind is mirrored in physicality.  Had no desire to sigh, did not look to sigh, then found to my chagrin that I do sigh... often and with sound effects.

So this is rather sad.  Sighing is another form of breath, a specialized sort of breath.  Before I exhale with sound effects, I have to inhale and inhale enough to make the sigh with sound.    So what does this say?  Whatever sighs say.   Is it the resignation sigh?  the sad sigh?  the relief sigh?  I think I might know.

What I do know for sure, however, is that sighing frequently as I was, is damn annoying.  And I don't like not being involved and cognizant of my own life - so this sighing business is sort of a wake up call.

So I'll just take a deep breath, which feels wonderful, and sigh off.  9:03pm

1 comment:

  1. This made me chuckle. It also made me wonder if I make noise breathing. I know I laugh. A LOT. Enough so that it annoys my husband no end. We don’t sleep together anymore because I laugh in my sleep. I laugh in my sleep so loudly I wake him up...frequently. The last time I slept with him he was so ticked off about being awakened by my laughter that he kicked me. Hard! My leg didn’t bruise but I was certain that it would. Now we sleep in separate rooms. I love having a room and a bed all to myself. I can laugh with total freedom. :)
