Friday, November 3, 2017

Post 10 of 92.

4:27pm.  Actually forgot to write yesterday.  Remembered then forgot.

Further to what I've been thinking/writing about:  This lack of excitement over ideas, the lack of desire to quest after truth.  I'm not sure it's a bad thing.  Another thing I notice with age is the growing appreciation of and being in the now.  Of course, I still spend hours other than in the moment that I'm in yet it is less so than before.  Rather than racing after answers that will forever elude me, I find it is the small things and being in and the noticing of the small things which somehow provide answers of their own.  If I walk, I walk and if I don't waste that walk thinking of things other than the walk, the time is beautifully and, surprisingly, satisfactorily spent.  There is a sort of peace which comes with the mere doing of what I am currently doing.

And maybe that is enough. 4:32pm

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