Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Richard has been accepted to live permanently at Heritage Lodge.  Huge relief.  He has a home and won't be cast adrift after two weeks. 

Relieved but weeping as I walked up the hill to the car.  Just tired I guess.  Also I have to somehow get power of attorney when he is unfit to sign permission (still rankles the doctor suggested I pursue POA so made appt with solicitor but when the letter went over to him asking whether Richard was fit to sign the doc he said no - so why suggest it?)  Anyway, after spending money I couldn't afford will try to obtain enduring guardianship through the NSW tribunal to avoid having to pay out more money I can't afford to get some solicitor to sign off on the bleeding obvious.

Feel like I'm chasing my tail.

Now that I know where and what and how much I can dig in and try and find work or at least get the jobseekers allowance to help defray the cost of Richard's care.  Also can sell the Yeti and make a concerted effort to sell the generator, the welder, some of the 'big' ticket items. 

I had a scrap piece of watercolour paper so put in a background wash of different colours hoping to be inspired and do something on top with coloured pencil.  Went to bed at 8:30 last night and 8 the night before.  Just have nothing left to be creative.  Still in harness.  One foot in front of the other.  Perhaps there will come a time when the dust has settled and I can work on the novel (been so long I hardly remember what it's about!), finish the current drawing and maybe even make something new.

Oh, and go to the beach!  Just to walk on the beach or take the kids kayak (I bought it because it fits in the caddy and it's light enough for me to carry) and sit on the river.  Or ramble in the woods without a schedule.

Whining again.  Bloody hell.  Change my mind and change the world.  Change my mind and change my world. 

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