Thursday, June 11, 2020

Yesterday so much better.  It was as though he'd considered things through the night - and he said he'd had a bad night - and came to the conclusion, that as a move into care is inevitable, he may as well accept it. 

It is perhaps the bravest thing Richard has ever done.

Much love in the room.  Told him, holding him close or as close as I could while he's lying in bed, he was and is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Told him we've always been a team and always will be.  Told him we will get through this together as we've always got through things together.  Told him how I loved him.  And he told me he loved me too.

Today he moves to Heritage.  I know we are being looked after, that if this is the place he is meant to be, it will work out.  Finances too.  Every time, and it is often, I start to get scared, start to think there won't be enough, I dismiss the thought and counter with, 'if God can make the universe than sorting my finances isn't a problem'.

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